Immunization Requirements

Immunization records & 健康的形式

在詹姆斯敦社区学院上课必须提交免疫记录和表格. 您全权负责将所有免疫记录提交给JCC. 不遵守将导致JCC的行政撤回和25美元的罚款.

Submit your MMR, 脑膜炎, & immunization records via 地中海+普氏

  1. Register a new account at 地中海+普氏 »
  2. Download 和 complete your required forms.
  3. Upload your completed forms into 地中海+普氏.
  4. If you decline the 脑膜炎 immunization, 除了向地中海+普氏提交MMR报告外,还要填写脑膜炎衰退表.
  5. 查看JCC电子邮件中的验证消息和达到验证状态的其他步骤.

麻疹、腮腺炎、 & 风疹

According to New York State law, students born on or after January 1, 1957, 在高等教育机构注册的学生必须提供麻疹免疫证明, 流行性腮腺炎, 和 rubella (MMR) if they take at least six credit hours.

  • 这一证据可以通过显示两次接种MMR疫苗的间隔至少28天来提供, on or after the first birthday. 理想情况下,第二剂应在4至6岁之间接种,但不迟于第一次接种后的15个月.
  • If the vaccines were received before 1968, 它们必须作为活疫苗备案以满足要求. 其他显示免疫的方法包括医生记录的疾病史和免疫的血清学证据. For more information, visit

仅注册在线课程且不在校园上课的学生不受此限制. This exemption is in place to ensure all students, regardless of their course format, are considered in our health 和 safety policies.

麻疹(M) 引起发烧, 咳嗽, 流鼻涕, 和红色的, 水汪汪的眼睛, commonly followed by a 皮疹 that covers the whole body. 它可导致癫痫发作(通常伴有发烧)、耳部感染、腹泻和肺炎. Rarely, measles can cause brain damage or 死亡.

流行性腮腺炎(M) 引起发烧, 头疼, 肌肉酸痛, 疲劳, loss of appetite, 和 swollen 和 tender salivary gl和s under the ears. It can lead to deafness, swelling of the brain 和 spinal cord covering, painful swelling of the testicles or ovaries, 和, 很少, 死亡.

风疹(右) 引起发烧、喉咙痛、皮疹、头痛和眼睛刺激. 它会导致多达一半的青少年和成年女性患关节炎. If a person gets rubella while they are pregnant, they could have a miscarriage, 或者婴儿出生时可能患有严重的先天性残疾. 大多数接种MMR疫苗的人将获得终身保护,提供安全和安心. 疫苗和高接种率使得这些疾病在美国不那么常见.



  • For more information, visit
  • What is meningococcal meningitis? 这种类型的脑膜炎是血液或脑膜(覆盖大脑和脊髓的薄层)的严重细菌感染。. 这是一种相对罕见的疾病,通常作为单个孤立皇冠hg会员登录发生. Clusters of cases or outbreaks are rare in the U.S.
  • How is the disease spread? 脑膜炎球菌病是通过呼吸道分泌物飞沫和与感染者直接接触通过空气传播的. 直接接触, for these purposes, 被定义为口腔接触共用物品,如香烟或饮水杯,或通过亲密接触,如接吻. 尽管任何人都可能接触到导致这种疾病的细菌, data also indicates certain social behaviors, such as exposure to passive 和 active smoking, 酒吧赞助, 和 excessive alcohol consumption, may put students at increased risk for the disease. Patients with respiratory infections, compromised immunity, those in close contact to a known case, 前往世界流行地区的旅行者也面临着更大的风险.
  • What are the symptoms? 脑膜炎球菌病的早期症状通常包括发烧, severe 头疼, 脖子僵硬, 皮疹, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 和昏睡, 和 may resemble the flu. Because the disease progresses rapidly, often in as little as 12 hours, 如果学生同时出现上述两种或两种以上症状,应立即寻求医疗护理. The disease can be fatal.
  • How soon do the symptoms appear? 症状可能在接触后2至10天出现,但通常在5天内出现.
  • What is the treatment for meningococcal disease? 抗生素, such as penicillin G or ceftriaxone, can be used to treat people with meningococcal disease.
  • 与脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎确诊病例有过接触的人是否应该接受治疗? 仅限密切接触者(家庭成员), intimate contacts, 进行人工呼吸的医护人员, day care center playmates, 等.) need to be considered for preventive treatment. Casual contact as might occur in a regular classroom, 办公室, 或者工厂设置通常不重要到足以引起关注.
  • Is there a vaccine to prevent meningococcal meningitis? 目前,有一种疫苗可以预防某些脑膜炎球菌菌株. It is recommended in outbreak situations, 对于那些前往世界上已知疾病高发地区的人来说. For some college students, such as freshmen living in dormitories, 患脑膜炎球菌病的风险略有增加. 疫苗的费用可能高达90美元,但费用可能由个人的健康保险政策支付.
  • How effective is the vaccine? 该疫苗已被证明可以预防最常见的疾病毒株. 该疫苗对年龄较大的儿童和成人的血清A和C组有85%至100%的有效性.
  • 疫苗安全吗?它提供保护的时间有多长? 该疫苗非常安全,不良反应轻微且罕见. 脑膜炎球菌疫苗的效力可能持续5年或更长时间.

Forms separate from 地中海+普氏

COVID-19 vaccination

JCC no longer requires COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19疫苗接种是由纽约州卫生部和疾病预防控制中心建议的.


For more information, visit

居住生活 health history form


护理 & OTA形式


  • Varicella times two (Chicken pox or positive Titer)
  • 乙型肝炎:临床网站要求你对乙型肝炎进行自我教育. 在临床环境中,您暴露于乙型肝炎和其他疾病的风险增加. 获得最新的乙型肝炎疫苗接种或在您的JCC健康报告表上签名,您将通过您的计划收到. Hepatitis is a series of three.
  • TDAP (Current within eight years)

How to find your immunization records

  • 如果你有“婴儿书”或儿童健康记录,请与家庭成员核实
  • 高中成绩单或其他大学成绩单
  • 家庭医生
  • Military records

Consent for release of health & medical information

“健康和医疗信息发布同意”表单允许您授权JCC 健康 Services向您指定的组织披露或接收记录中包含的信息.